Monday, October 10, 2011

SEC Football

With the recent addition to the SEC I have to say it is becoming more apparent than ever that we are the best, toughest and most sought after conference in college football.

What I don't understand is why teams such as Mizzou want to join the conference. Maybe they should test the water first in order to see what it is they are signing themselves up for.

Texas A & M has already signed on the dotted line adding them to the conference. Are they up to the week in and week out beatings that they will take as a member of this conference? Only time will tell. If I had to guess I would say, NO.

I do have to give them praise for setting in place an agenda to expand their stadium. I understand that not all of the stadiums in the SEC are 80, 90 100+ thousand seat stadiums. But lets get real here... Are we really surprised by the teams without these stadiums? Not at all.

Unfortunately, if you look at the record of these teams they are the armpit of the SEC (for lack of a prettier way to say it). I mean Mississippi State uses cow bells to try and distract the opposing teams. Has it worked yet? Not really. Vanderbilt is our "smart" school. No one ever expects them to win anyway. And if they do beat your team... well just plan on the coach of your team being excused from his position within the next year or so. Then, we have our other Mississippi team, Ole Miss. They use to be the Rebels but because a few people were trying too hard to be politically correct they are now the mighty Rebel Black Bear. Really??? Black Bear. Isn't that cute. Then there's Kentucky... Their cheerleaders have won more championships than their football team. I think that about sums it up for the Wild Cats.

Not every "good" team in the SEC has a stand out year, but the "good" teams are always in the running to ruin another team's perfect season. If you are lucky enough to have a perfect season in this conference.

So... just a note to self moment for all the teams that are looking for a bid to the Southeastern Conference:

1. You will get what you ask for
2. Be ready to put your big boy pants on
3. Don't be surprised when your quarterback cries for his momma after being sacked a few times

We come to the field to win. PERIOD. We love nothing more than to beat the other teams in our own conference (as well as any other conference) and make them take that long walk off the field while we celebrate and put one more team away on our road the the SEC Championship and ultimately the BCS Championship. Because lets face it... It isn't be a championship game if a SEC team isn't involved.

Be ready. Because We Are.

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